My Silver Award
The Girl Scout Silver Award is a Girl Scout Cadette's highest award. It requires a project addressing a community issue, fifty hours of work dedicated to it, and demonstrating leadership skills. The project should be sustainable and have a measurable, lasting impact on the community.
Finding my Project
With my troop leader's help, I realized Mitzvah Circle had nothing on their websites dedicated to scouts and how they could participate in donating and warehouse fun.
Creating my Project
I talked with Fran, founder of Mitzvah, and asked what she needed, including talking to the other wonderful people there. I had to find a way for my project to be sustainable past my time.
Making my Project
I had figured it out: a badge program encouraging scouts of all ages to volunteer. I made badges and brochures that Mitzvah could have and hand out to the scouts.
Finishing my Project
As a final cherry on top, I held a kick-off event. I showed the girls in my service unit my work and taught them the importance of donating while playing games.